"Minispare" emergency spare wheel
The "Minispare" emergency spare wheel can be found in the stowage well under the trunk floor.
Lift the trunk floor up.
Turn stowage tray 3 counter-clockwise and remove together with vehicle tool kit tray 2.
Remove "Minispare" emergency spare wheel 1.
For further information on changing a wheel and mounting the spare wheel.
See also:
Restoring the factory settings
Press the and
buttons simultaneously for approximately
six seconds until the battery check lamp flashes twice.
Do not use any additives in the engine oil. This could damage the engine. ...
Floormat on the driver's side
Whenever you are using a floormat, make sure
there is enough clearance and that the
floormat is securely fastened.
The floormat should always be securely
fastened using the fasteni ...