Remote vehicle unlocking
If you have unintentionally locked your vehicle (e.g. the SmartKey is still in the vehicle) and a replacement SmartKey is not available, the vehicle can be opened by a Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center.
The vehicle can be opened remotely up to four days after the ignition was last switched off.
Contact the following service
• USA: Mercedes-Benz Customer
Assistance Center under 1-800-FOR-MERCedes(1-800-367-6372) or 1-888-990-9007
• Canada: Customer Service at 1-888-923-8367
You will be asked for your password.
Return to your vehicle at the time
upon with the Mercedes-Benz Customer
Assistance Center.
Pull the trunk lid handle for at
least 20
seconds until the indicator lamp in the SOS
button flashes.
The Connecting Call message appears
on the multifunction display.
Alternatively, the vehicle can also be opened via the Internet or an iPhone in the "Owners Online" section using your ID number and password.
Vehicle remote unlocking is only possible if the corresponding mobile phone network is accessible.
The SOS button flashes and the
Connecting Call message appears in the
multifunction display to confirm that the
command for vehicle remote unlocking has
been received.
If you pull the trunk handle for more than
20 seconds before receiving authorization
for remote unlocking, you must wait 15
minutes before you can pull the trunk lid
handle again.
See also:
Please bear the following in mind
For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only use Tires and wheels
which have been approved by Mercedes-Benz specifically for your vehicle.
These tires have been specially adapted f ...
Reporting malfunctions relevant tosafety
For the USA only:
The following text is reproduced as required
of all manufacturers according to Title 49,
Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 575
pursuant to the National Traffic and Motor
Call priority
When service calls are active, e.g. Roadside
Assistance or MB Info calls, an emergency
call can still be initiated. In this case, an
emergency call will take priority and override
all other ac ...