Setting the map to the vehicle position, intermediate stop or destination position

Centering the map on the vehicle position

the COMAND To show the menu: press the COMAND the COMAND controller.

menu bar by sliding  and turning Select Position in the navigation system menu bar by sliding the COMAND controller and press  to and turning the COMAND controller and press  to the COMAND controller and press confirm. to confirm.

to confirm or, if the crosshair is Select Vehicle Position Map and press shown, to confirm or, if the crosshair is shown, press the This hides the crosshair. back button.

This hides the crosshair.

Centering on an intermediate stop

This function requires that a route to an intermediate stop has been calculated.

the COMAND To show the menu: press the COMAND the COMAND controller.

menu bar by sliding  and turning Select Position in the navigation system menu bar by sliding the COMAND controller and press  to and turning the COMAND controller and press  to the COMAND controller and press confirm. to confirm.

to Select Stopover Map and press to to confirm.

The crosshair is centered on the destination.

Centering on the destination

This function requires that a route to a destination has been calculated.

the COMAND To show the menu: press the COMAND the COMAND controller.

menu bar by sliding  and turning Select Position in the navigation system menu bar by sliding the COMAND controller and press  to and turning the COMAND controller and press  to the COMAND controller and press confirm. to confirm.

to Select Destination Map and press to to confirm.

The crosshair is centered on the destination.

    See also:

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    Deactivating DISTRONIC PLUS
    WARNING The DISTRONIC PLUS switches off and releases the brakes when the vehicle decelerates below the minimum speed of 20 mph (30 km/h) by operation of the system unless the DISTRONIC PLUS ...

    Vehicles with extended Off-Road Proengineering package
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