Route overview
You can use the overview of the route to move along the route section by section and to see details of the route sections.
You have entered a destination or a point of interest and possibly an intermediate stop.
To activate navigation mode: press the
function button once or twice.
To show the menu: press
Select Route in the navigation system
menu bar by turning
controller and press
to confirm.
Select Route Info and press
Example display: route overview
1 Marked route sections
At the top of the display, you will see information about the highlighted route section, for example the distance to be driven on the road and road designation. The highlighted route section is marked in white with a red border on the map.
To view the next or previous route
section: select Next or Previous and
to confirm.
If the first or last route section is
highlighted, you cannot select Previous or
To zoom in or out of the map: select
and press
to confirm.
To close the route overview: select
Back and press
to confirm.
See also:
Important safety notes
For reasons of safety, have the NECK-PRO
head restraints/NECK-PRO luxury head
restraints checked at an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Center after a rear-end
When p ...
Vehicles with a TIREFIT kit
► Lift the cargo compartment floor up.
1 Jack
2 Towing eye
3 Ratchet wrench
4 Alignment bolt
5 Fuse allocation chart
6 Folding wheel chock
7 Lug wrench ...
The first 1000 miles (1500 km)
The more you look after the engine when it is
new, the more satisfied you will be with its
performance in the future.
• Drive at varying vehicle speeds and engine speeds for the first 1000 miles ...