Crash-responsive emergency lighting

The interior lighting is activated automatically if the vehicle is involved in an accident.

- To switch off the crash-responsive emergency lighting: press the hazard warning lamp button.
- Lock and then unlock the vehicle using the SmartKey.

    See also:

    Xenon bulbs
    If your vehicle is equipped with Xenon bulbs, you can recognize this by the following: the cone of light from the Xenon bulbs moves from the top to the bottom and back again when you start the eng ...

    Using the rear center seat belt
    If the left-hand rear seat backrest is folded down and back up again, the rear center seat belt may lock. The seat belt can then not be pulled out. To release the rear center seat belt:pull o ...

    Driving systems
    Display messages Possible causes/consequences and Solutions Based on specific criteria, ATTENTION ASSIST has determined that the driver is tired or paying less attentio ...