Change of direction
Changes of direction have three phases:
• preparation phase
• announcement phase
• change-of-direction phase
Preparation phase
COMAND prepares you for the upcoming change of direction. Based on the example display below, the change of direction is announced with a message. You see the fullscreen map.
Example display: preparation phase
1 Next road
2 Route
3 Current vehicle position (the tip of the triangle indicates the vehicle’s
direction of travel)
4 Current road
The display in 4 depends on the setting selected under "Text information on the map".
Announcement phase
COMAND announces the imminent change of direction. With reference to the following example display, the announcement is given before the change of direction with the request Please turn right in 900 ft. The announced distance to the next change of direction depends on the type of road and its permissible speed limit.
The display is now split into two sectors. In the left half, you see the normal map view.
The right half shows an enlarged section of the area around the intersection (Crossing Zoom) or a 3D image of the road's course with the route indicating the next maneuver.
Example display: announcement phase
1 Next road
2 Point at which the change of direction takes place (light blue dot, shown in
both the left and right displays)
3 Graphic representation of the distance to the next change of direction
4 Change of direction (turn right here)
5 Distance to the next change of direction
6 Route (highlighted in blue, shown in both the left and right displays)
The filled-in section of visual display for distance 3 gets shorter, the nearer you get to the announced change of direction.
Change-of-direction phase
COMAND announces the imminent change of direction. In the example, the Now turn right announcement is made 100 ft. before the change of direction. The display is split into two halves, as in the announcement phase.
Example display: change-of-direction phase
1 Current vehicle position: the tip of the
triangle indicates the vehicle’s direction
of travel
2 Graphic representation of the distance to
the next change of direction
3 Distance to the next change of direction
Once the change of direction is completed, COMAND automatically switches back to fullscreen display.
See also:
Volume and sound settings
You will find details on volume
and sound settings in the "At a
glance" section.
External video sources may have different
volumes, which can mean that system
messages su ...
Use kickdown for maximum acceleration.
- Vehicles for USA: fully depress the
accelerator pedal.
The transmission shifts to a lower gear
depending on the engine speed.
- Vehicles for Canada: dep ...
Windows fogged up on the outside
- Activate the windshield wipers.
- Press the button repeatedly
until the
symbol appears in the
You should only select this setting until
the windshield is clear again. ...