Load index
Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example.
In addition to the load bearing index, load index 1 may be imprinted after the letters that identify speed index 6 on the sidewall of the tire.
- If no specification is given: no text (as in the
example above), represents a standard
load (SL) tire
- XL or Extra Load: represents a reinforced
- Light load: represents a light load tire
- C, D, E: represents a load range that
depends on the maximum load that the tire
can carry at a certain pressure
See also:
First-aid kit
Open the tailgate.
Remove first-aid kit : from the parcel net.
Check the expiration date on the first-aid kit at least once a year. Replace
the contents if necessary, and replace mi ...
Cleaning the wheels
Do not use power washers with circular-jet
nozzles (dirt grinders) to clean your vehicle, in
particular the tires. You could otherwise
damage the tires and cause an accident. ...
Tailgate emergency release
If the tailgate can no longer be opened from
outside the vehicle, use the emergency
release on inside of the tailgate.
- Take the mechanical key out of the
To open the tailgate compl ...